NABH Compliant in Hospital design

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The construction of a hospital involves several factors including the personnel output and patients’ well-being. Ensuring that the hospital conforms to the guidelines stated by NABH is among the most vital things that need to be considered. There are standard setting bodies that assist in improving the quality of healthcare services some of which are; National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH). This reality is in fact expressed when the hospital becomes NABH compliant; the hospitals reputation is boosted, patient safety is increased.

Learning about NABH Compliance

Learning about NABH Compliance

Where hospitals and healthcare institutions are concerned, NABH compliance is the task of adhering to the benchmarks that NABH has released. Concerning the issue areas these guidelines cover, they include, but are not limited to infection control, facility operations, patient safety and education, and continuous quality improvement. As such, the design of your hospital needs to adhere to these guidelines to be licensed.

NABH compliant’s hospital design effects minimization on the following aspects:

1. Design of products and services need to be done with patient at the core.

Among the main objectives of the establishment that can be NABH compliant, the improvement of patient care is included. This involves designing conditions that are otherwise utilitarian and at the same time comfortable as well as easily manoeuvrable. Think about the following:

  • Rooms for Patients -: Ensure you have enough patient rooms with enough space, good ventilation and adequate medical equipment. They should afford comfort and privacy.
  • Availability -: Arrange the layout of the hospital in such a way that the patients especially the ones with disability, can maneuver through the whole hospital. This one is well illustrated by signs that are clear, elevators, and ramps among others.
  • Security -: To prevent accidents you should provide such protective features as handrails, non-slip finishing, and adequate lighting.

2. Management of Infections

Pertaining to NABH regulation, one of the most important principles is controlling infections. Thus, sanitation and hygiene measures that can hinder the further transmission of diseases should be taken as part of the fundamental principles of designing hospitals.

  • Isolation Spaces -: Try and make some of the rooms in the hospital to be exclusively used to quarantine the sick people.
  • Airflow -: Lastly, to ensure that air is not recirculated and aeration of the rooms is proper so as to minimize the contraction of airborne diseases, ensure the proper functioning of the ventilation systems.
  • Hygiene -: Design spaces and arrangement of items that are easy to organize and clean. At this level, one should incorporate products that can easily be cleaned and which are not sensitive to microorganisms. 

 3. Effective Workflow 

There is no doubt that the layout of a particular hospital has close relationships with the specific healthcare providers’ organizational facility, and the hospital’s design should adhere strictly to the standards set by NABH. 

  • Strategic Arrangement -: Minimise the distance between commonly served areas which include the operating theatres, intensive care units, emergencies among others, when developing a hospital layout. 
  • Areas of Staff -: Design staff areas that are calm and comfortable, and give the employees efficient access to equipment. 
  • Integration of Technology -: In this case, try to implement state-of-the-art technological solutions into communication networks, medical records, and the patient monitoring system. 

 4. Being Ready for Emergencies 

Being Ready for Emergencies

The presence of emergency plans in the ward is essential on the grounds of its compliance with NABH. Certain aspects or features that can increase the capability of hospitals to respond to emergencies must be included into the design of the buildings. 

  • Emergency Exits -: Planning for emergency exits can be done in a way that will enable anyone to access them in the shortest time possible and they also are marked clearly. 
  • Disaster Management -: Design options for locations that can promptly be converted for use include malleable patient care zones. 
  • Training Facilities -: Design places which may allow the employees to receive some instruction in the management of disaster and the passage of the emergency drill. 


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 Benefits of Compliance to NABH Standards

 The following are the benefits of getting the NABH approval. 

  • Increased Patient Safety -: This is because the NABH guidelines major on the safety of patients; hence there are fewer cases of infections and medical mistakes. 
  • Enhanced Reputation -: NABH certification means quality and it helps in increasing the level of confidence of the patient and the Hospital. 
  • Operational Efficiency -: While strictly adhering to NABH, functionalities almost always experience an increase in the quality of their services, making work easier for the staff as well as patients. 
  • Financial Gains -: It can be assumed that receiving accreditation increases the income since this factor is chosen by patients and insurance companies. 

 Ways to NABH Compliance

  • Recognize the Standards -: To do this one needs to familiarize oneself with principles and standards as laid by the NABH. Indeed, the NABH has these available on its website.
  • Organize Your Design -: Consult with other designers and architects who have implemented hospitals that have provisions for NABH accreditation. Ensure that all the requirements that should be met are included into the concepts of the design. 
  • Execute the Design -: Supervise the construction of the project very closely since this will help ensure that the design standards are being met. 
  • Frequent Audits -: For sustainable adherence of the facility to the set NABH standards, one should conduct regular audits and inspections. 
  • Constant Improvement -: Compliance to NABH standards is one process that does not stop. Changes in organization and structure of the hospital as result of enteral audits and user voices are to be reviewed and further developed on a continuous basis. 


requirements of NABH hospital guidelines

It is more relevant to stress that it is necessary to provide the best, safe, and efficient healthcare services rather than simply providing a framework that satisfies the requirements of NABH hospital guidelines. Modern health-care facilities, which provide the highest level of treatment, can be built with specific attention to preventive measures from infections, processes’ smooth organization, emergency preparedness, and patient-centered approach. 

NABH compliance is a status of quality in healthcare and may enhance the reputation and functionality of your hospital that would enhance the services offered and the satisfaction achieved by the patients. 

 If you have such a plan and you want to construct such a facility, then SkyDec Engineers is the right partner for you. I must state with satisfaction that we are the pioneers of the infrastructure within the healthcare industry. This outstanding team of ours will assist you from the grassroots level up to the point when you realize your dream. You can also reach us on any of the following numbers: +91 9818 153338 or +91 9818 163338. 

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